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The Impacts of Workouts On Our Mood and Confidence

fitness wellness Sep 16, 2024
The Impacts of Workouts On Our Mood and Confidence

Photo by bruce mars on Unsplash 

Have you ever felt down, but you pushed yourself to workout and after, you immediately felt better? Research has proven that exercise can do wonders for not just our physical health, but our mental health too. But can the timing of our workouts influence their effectiveness?  

Flex Fitness surveyed over 1,000 Americans to uncover the best time to workout and the impact workout timing has on our mood and overall health. The results? 65% of gymgoers prefer morning workouts over any other time—with 21% of women favoring the 6 a.m. to 8 a.m. workout window. 

Read on to learn more about the survey results and the impact workouts can have on our mind and body. 

Benefits of Exercising 

According to the survey findings, 40% of people say they have a better workout performance in the morning and those endorphins follow them throughout the rest of the day. When asked if a workout at their preferred time impacts other areas of their life, respondents say exercise has the following benefits: 


Compared to men, a woman’s overall mood (21% vs. 19%), self-confidence (21% vs. 19%), and sleep quality (17% vs 13%) saw the greatest improvement. 

5 Mood-Boosting Workouts

Ready to improve your well-being with exercise? Try these five mood-boosting exercises for better mental health. 


  • Strength and resistance training. Incorporating a couple of days of strength and resistance training into your workout routine can help improve your overall mood and confidence. One study found that those with depression saw a significant improvement in their mental health after engaging in this type of workout two or more times a week. 
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT). HIIT exercises offer a quick and effective way to release endorphins and lower stress levels. Data shows that these workouts can also increase blood flow to the brain and boost our brain health.
  • Running. Moderate to vigours running can greatly impact our overall mood and reduce stress levels. Many often report feeling a “runner’s high” after a run, as endocannabinoids are released into the brain, offering a sense of peace and satisfaction. 
  • Walking. Walking is one of the most beneficial low-impact exercises you can incorporate into your daily routine. Studies have shown that walking for just one hour a day can decrease depression. 


Whether you prefer a brisk walk, a long run, or a good weight-lifting session, any form of movement can positively impact your physical and mental well-being. To experience the full benefits of exercise, commit to sticking to your ideal workout time and incorporating exercises you truly enjoy for optimal results.