Body Confidence: Lulu's Personal Story
Aug 24, 2020
Body confidence is a real issue that many women of all ages experience which is why I’m sharing my personal story. My hope is to inspire you to take action, so that you too can rock your body positivity TODAY!
I’m Lulu Agan, Chief Officer of Bliss at SwellWomen and a certified Wellness & Lifestyle Coach from the Institute of Integrative Nutrition. I’ve been inspiring women (and men) for over 17 years to take inspired action in their health and well-being, which ultimately yields to a life with more bliss. #learnliveloveBLISS
Rocking your body confidence means shedding the weight of all those external pressures to achieve a certain “look” or the ideal body. It means appreciating and loving yourself for being uniquely YOU, as you are right now in this moment!
Join Swell360 for the month of September for only $9! Our theme for September is Rocking Your Body Confidence. Together, we will explore self-care, positive self-talk, how to use diet and fitness as a means of empowerment, and discuss shifting your mindset towards health vs. appearance so that can you feel happy, comfortable, and CONFIDENT in your bodies RIGHT NOW. Registration closes August 28th.
Check out my NEW BLOG POST where I share an exercise for cultivating self-worth AND putting it to action!
Next 30 Days to Healthy Living Starts September 1st. Register for FREE today: