Why & How To Manage Stress
Aug 09, 2020
Today Lulu shares a true story on why cultivating your bliss care practices are YOUR #1 PRIORITY!
Lulu is the Chief Officer of Bliss at SwellWomen and a certified Wellness & Lifestyle Coach from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition. She been inspiring women (and men) for over 17 years to take inspired action in their health and well-being, which ultimately yields to a life with more bliss. #learnliveloveBLISS
The truth is that we can’t show up for others in our best capacity unless we take care ourselves. This is true for everyone…there are no exceptions. Our health is super precious and stress is our worst enemy which is why she created FREE TOOLS to inspire you to manage your stress.
MEDITATION: Lulu's Top Simple 5 Tips to Get Started Today